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Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Add One Time Popout Google Plus Add to Circle Widget to your Blog

Social networking sites are a good way to get more traffic to your blog.Facebook is the world number one social networking site now.So it is the best place to promote your blog.You can use facebook groups to promote your blog.You can read my previous post about facebook blogging groups here

After facebook google plus is the best one to drive more traffic.You should have more friends on it.If you not have a account on google plus this is the best time to create it.Today I'm going to show how to add one time popout google plus add to circle widget.So if anyone interest about your blog they will add you as a friend on google plus.Let's see how to do it.

Log in to your blogger account and go to design>>>edit html
Press ctrl +f and search for ]]></b:skin> tag.
Paste the below code just above it.

/*Subscription Pop Up Css*/
cursor: pointer;
_position:absolute; /* hack for internet explorer 6*/
border:1px solid #cecece;
_position:absolute; /* hack for internet explorer 6*/
border:2px solid #cecece;
#popupContact h1{
border-bottom:1px dotted #D3D3D3;
/*End Subscription Pop Up Css @ http://www.tech-cave.com */

Now Press ctrl +f again and search for </head> tag.
Copy and paste the below code before it

<!--Pop Up Subscription-->
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='http://dinhquanghuy.110mb.com/jquery.cookie.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var popupStatus = 0;

//loading popup with jQuery magic!
function loadPopup(){
//loads popup only if it is disabled
&quot;opacity&quot;: &quot;0.7&quot;
popupStatus = 1;

//disabling popup with jQuery magic!
function disablePopup(){
//disables popup only if it is enabled
popupStatus = 0;

//centering popup
function centerPopup(){
//request data for centering
var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; 
var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 
var windowscrolltop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var windowscrollleft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
var popupHeight = $(&quot;#popupContact&quot;).height();
var popupWidth = $(&quot;#popupContact&quot;).width();
var toppos = windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2+windowscrolltop;
var leftpos = windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2+windowscrollleft;
&quot;position&quot;: &quot;absolute&quot;,
&quot;top&quot;: toppos,
&quot;left&quot;: leftpos
//only need force for IE6

&quot;height&quot;: windowHeight


if ($.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;) != 1) { 

//load popup
//Click the x event!
$.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, { expires: 7 });
//Click out event!
$.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, { expires: 7 });
//Press Escape event!
if(e.keyCode==27 &amp;&amp; popupStatus==1){
$.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, { expires: 7 });

<!--End Pop Up Subscription @ http://www.bloggertricksandtools.com -->

Now save your template
Then press ctrl+f and serach for </body> tag.
Paste below code just before it

<div id='popupContact'> <a id='popupContactClose'>x</a> <h1>Add Us On Google Plus</h1> <p id='contactArea'><center> <script type='text/javascript'>mbgc=&#39;f5f5f5&#39;;ww=&#39;320&#39;;mbc=&#39;cecece&#39;;bbc=&#39;3F79D5&#39;;bmobc=&#39;3b71c6&#39;;bbgc=&#39;4889F0&#39;;bmoc=&#39;3F79D5&#39;;bfc=&#39;FFFFFF&#39;;bmofc=&#39;ffffff&#39;;tlc=&#39;cecece&#39;;tc=&#39;6a6a6a&#39;;nc=&#39;6a6a6a&#39;;bc=&#39;6a6a6a&#39;;l=&#39;y&#39;;fs=&#39;16&#39;;fsb=&#39;13&#39;;bw=&#39;100&#39;;ff=&#39;4&#39;;pc=&#39;4889F0&#39;;b=&#39;s&#39;; pid=&#39;115054700230747411396&#39;;</script><script src='http://widgetsplus.com/google_plus_widget.js' type='text/javascript'/> </center><h5>Click Anyware On Blog Background To Close</h5> <a href='http://www.tech-cave.com/' target='_blank'>Get This Widget</a> </p> </div> <div id='backgroundPopup'/>

Replace the red colour number  with your google  plus profile id

Now save your template.It is finish now.

Share this with your friends.let them know about this

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to add a One Time Popout Google Plus One Button For your Blog

Google plus ones are very important to get high rank on google search engine.It is not easy to get much plus ones as we hope.In one of my previous post I have show the way to get unlimited plus one as you want.If not read it yet you can read it here

Get unlimited google plus 1s(ones)

Adding a popout plus one button is good way to get more plus ones.Nothing to worry It is a one time popout box.Let's see how to add it.

Log in to your blogger account and go to design>>>edit html
Press ctrl +f and search for ]]></b:skin> tag.
Paste the below code just above it.

/*Subscription Pop Up Css*/
cursor: pointer;
_position:absolute; /* hack for internet explorer 6*/
border:1px solid #cecece;
_position:absolute; /* hack for internet explorer 6*/
border:2px solid #cecece;
#popupContact h1{
border-bottom:1px dotted #D3D3D3;
/*End Subscription Pop Up Css @ http://www.tech-cave.com */

Now Press ctrl +f again and search for </head> tag.
Copy and paste the below code before it

<!--Pop Up Subscription-->
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='http://dinhquanghuy.110mb.com/jquery.cookie.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var popupStatus = 0;

//loading popup with jQuery magic!
function loadPopup(){
//loads popup only if it is disabled
&quot;opacity&quot;: &quot;0.7&quot;
popupStatus = 1;

//disabling popup with jQuery magic!
function disablePopup(){
//disables popup only if it is enabled
popupStatus = 0;

//centering popup
function centerPopup(){
//request data for centering
var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; 
var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 
var windowscrolltop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var windowscrollleft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
var popupHeight = $(&quot;#popupContact&quot;).height();
var popupWidth = $(&quot;#popupContact&quot;).width();
var toppos = windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2+windowscrolltop;
var leftpos = windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2+windowscrollleft;
&quot;position&quot;: &quot;absolute&quot;,
&quot;top&quot;: toppos,
&quot;left&quot;: leftpos
//only need force for IE6

&quot;height&quot;: windowHeight


if ($.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;) != 1) { 

//load popup
//Click the x event!
$.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, { expires: 7 });
//Click out event!
$.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, { expires: 7 });
//Press Escape event!
if(e.keyCode==27 &amp;&amp; popupStatus==1){
$.cookie(&quot;anewsletter&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, { expires: 7 });

<!--End Pop Up Subscription @ http://www.bloggertricksandtools.com -->

Now save your template
Then press ctrl+f and serach for </body> tag.
Paste below code just before it

<div id='popupContact'>
<a id='popupContactClose'>x</a>
<h2>Add Google Plus One-+1
             It Will Be a Great Help For Us </h2>
<p id='contactArea'><center><!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render -->
<g:plusone size='tall'/>

<!-- Place this render call where appropriate -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
  (function() {
    var po = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); po.type = &#39;text/javascript&#39;; po.async = true;
    po.src = &#39;https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js&#39;;
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;script&#39;)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
</script></center><h5>Click Anyware On Blog Background To Close</h5>

<a href='http://www.tech-cave.com/' target='_blank'>Get This Widget</a>

<div id='backgroundPopup'/>

Now save your template.You are done.

If you got something don't forget to leave a comment.

15+ Funny Google Tricks/list of funny google tricks

Google is the best search engine now.every one know it.We can do so many things with google.There are some funny google tricks also.Let's see what they are 

1. Go to google and search for                  
   "   Play PacMan on Google  "
Click on first result

2.Go to google and search for 
   "Google gravity"
Click on first result

3.Go to google and search for
  "    Epic Google    "
Click on first result

4.Go to google and search for 
   "   Weenie Google "
Click on first result

5.Go to google and search for 
     " Elgoog  "
Click on first result

6.Go to google and search for        
     "  Google Hacker "
Click on first result

7.Go to google and search for 
       "  Do a Barrel Roll " 

8.Go to google and search for 
      "   Tilt "

9.Go to google and search for 
     "  Google Sphere "
Click on first result

11.Go to google and search for 
        " Annoying Google   "
Click on first result

     Enter your name in the given space

13.Go to google and search for 
        "  Google Gothic "
Click on first result

14.Go to google and search for 
        " Google 133t  "
Click on first result
15.Go to google and search for 
         "   ewmew fudd "
Click on first result

16.Go to google and search for 
         " xx-klingon   "
Click on first result
17.Go to google and search for 
        "   xx-klingon "
Click on first result

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5 steps to get more traffic/visitors/hits

Now everyone an create a blog for them.It is 100% free.But making a good quality blog is not easy as you think.You must follow the basic steps in blogging.Today I'm going to give 5 steps that help you to get good unique traffic.

How to Select a template

Template is a main part of your blog.There is few things to know before you select a template for your blog.Don't select much heavy template it means if that selected template get much time to load readers will never like it.Your template should have the ability to attract the readers eyes.Ones they see that they will remeber your blog with your template.So your blog will be on their mind for long time.So select a nice looking simple template.Then readers will browse more pages on your blog.

When Posting

When you posting don't copy content form any other blog.Always write unique & fresh content.So readers will have a visit for every blog post you write.They will follow your blog.

How to monetize your blog

Don't put so many ads on your blog.Check my one you can see their are only 3 ad units.Readers never come for ads they are for your content.If you put more ads it will be a headache for them and they will leave from your blog without reading your cotent.Also they will never comeback.

Add a sharing widget

Adding a sharing widget is good way to get more traffic from social bookmarking,networking sites.If your contect is good they will definately share it with their freinds.Think that you have 100 visitors for day.If  10 people shae your content with their friends it is still good enough.You can see that some people have thousands of followers,friends on social networking,bookmarking sites.We only have to add a sharing widget for this.So this is good way to get more visitors without a much effort.

Categorize your blog posts 

If your blog is still not categorized this is best time to do it.Check on my blog I have categorized my blog posts under few labels.So users can easily find what they want.Think that you are interset about blogging.I have labeled the all blog posts about blogging under "blogging" lebel on my blog,So you can easily find what you want.Otherewise you will have to check all posts to find what you want.Now I think you have understand the important of categorizing your blog.

If you got something don't forget to share this with your friends.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to upload a custom templates to your blog/Some Cool Blogger Templates,Themes

In one of my previous I have show you the way to create a blog in  blogger platform step by step.I think anyone can create their blog easily with that.If you not read it yet you can read it here

Create a blog with google blogger

Let's see how to upload a custom template

First go to bloger dashboard
Click on design
Then click on edit html
In that new page you can there is a choose file button
Now click on that.
Select the template file and click on open
Then click on upload button

It is better to download a copy of current template before upload your custom template.

You can simply download your template by clicking on download full template.
Now you are done

Few sites that you can download some templates free

It is always better if you create your own template

  1. premiumbloggertemplates.com
  2. besttheme.net
  3. blogspottemplates.blogspot.com
  4. www.allblogtools.com
  5. spiceupyourblog.com

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Get unlimited google plus 1s(ones)/Get a high rank on google

Number of votes that you have on google plus is very important to get a high rank on google search engine.But it is very difficult get more as we want.Today I'm going to give exchange site that you can exchange google plus votes with others.This is it

There is a point system.When you add plus one to any other link you will get some points.You can use those points to get plus ones to your link.There is very simple signup.Only 3 field required to fill.Fill them and cick on sign up free.Then they will sent a email to confirm.Confirm it.Now you can log in to your account.

Click on google plus one(+1) exchange and add plus ones for others to earn points.

Click on add a google plus one site to add your link

In new page put the tittle of your page,your link and little description about it.Then click on submit.

Now you can select how many points that you give to others for adding plus ones to your link.Add some points you earn and press enter.

Share this with your friends.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How To Design A Perfect Facebook Timeline Cover Online/background for facebook/banners for facebook timeline

Now most of people who use facebook have activate facebook timeline.With this new feature you can upload a facebook cover photo.Today I'm going to show the way to design a perfect facebook timeline cover easily online.Let's see how.

First go to this website Timelinecoverbanner.com.
Then click on First,Let's choose the banner background button. 

Now you can see some facebook timeline backgrounds.
Select a design from that page.
Now you can customize it as you want.
See the below image.It will guide you to make it.

After that click save timeline cover to save it.

Don't forget to share this with your friends.

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