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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Block usb drives

Go to start --->run
Type regedit
go to ----------------> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\Servic es\USBStor

In right side find the file name as start and have 0000000(3) value.

Then double click on the file and change value that value to 4.

After that you should restart your pc.
Now you have done it.
If you want to unblock usb again change that value to 3 again.

Let's try this


Find ignored freind requests,pending requests,deactivated accounts on facebook

Before doing this log out your face book account.This is work in mozila fire fox & google chorme.Go to this link and insatall greasemonkey add-on.

Click install.After install you can see a message like this "unfriend finder intalles successfully".Then log into your facebook account.Now you can see unfreind option.Clcik it and  Find ignored freind requests,pending requests & deactivated accounts. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Increase shutdown speed

This tweak reduces the time Windows-XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Follow the steps

1) Go to Start then select Run

2) Type 'Regedit' and click ok

3) Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop'

4) Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'

5) Right click and select 'Modify'

6) Change the value to '1000'
7) Click 'OK'

Now select 'HungAppTimeout'

9) Right click and select 'Modify'

10) Change the value to '1000'

11) Click 'OK'. Now you have done it.


Lock your computer by usb

The Predator is the software that we use for this.So downlaod it from here - http://www.mediafire.com/?567rwalwp8hpsst

By using this software you can use your usb as a key.Let's see how.

We have to install it & do some settings.Then this software will create a small file on your usb.After that the software will scan usb ports automatically once for 10 seconds.If you unplug you usb your usb coputer will lock automatically.So any one can"t work in your machine without your usb drive.


read interval- you can change scan time
New Password- put any password you want
Then plug your pen drive & click create a key.

If you lost your pendrive you can unlock pc by pressing enter key for few times & enteing ther passwoword


Easy way to invite your all freinds to your fanpage,group on facebook

This is only for google chorme and mozila firefox users.

For mozila firefox

First go to this link & install greasemonkey addon.Then install the script.

Click here to install script

For google chorme - install greasemonkey addon

Click here to install script

After that close your web brower and open it again.Then going to your fanpage or group and click invite freinds.Now you can invite 4500 freinds at once.(works in firefox 3.6)


Convert image to text file

There is nothing to install.
First go to this link and start download - http://www.mediafire.com/?cqi041b1spkr6o6
Then extract the zip folder.Open the imagetotxt file in that folder.In new window click open image and select image that you want to convert.Then click convert.After that click save the text file and save it.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Use your pendrive as ram

This is only work for windows 7 users.First go to my computer.Plug your pendrive.Right click on your pendrive and select propities.Then click on ready boost tab.Then select use this device option.Then select space that you want to use as ram.It is finished.

Add options to right click menu

First got click start and select run.Type regedit and click ok.Then going to  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > Directory > Background > Shell.After that right click on shell.Going to new and select key.Name it with programme name that you want to add to menu.then right click on key and select new key.Enter command as the name of it.Then click command.Then double click on the default in the left side.In the edit string menu enter the file path of the programme that you want to add to the right click menu as value.Then click ok.It is finished.

Create a password protected folder without softwares

First  right click on folder that you want to protect and select send to ---------> comprezzed(zipped) folder optinon.Remembe the folder should not be empty.Now open zip folder and click add a password.Then enter a password.Delete the orginal folder.If you want to hide right click on folder and select propities.Then put a tick to hidden and click ok.

Block useless emails

Gmail users

Log in to your gmail account and click settings.Then going to filters and select create a new filter.Ener the email of the sender that you want to block.If you want to unlock it again.Delete filter that you create.

Yahoo users

Log in to your mail account and click options.Then going to more option in the drop down menu.Then click create a filter in the right side.Then click add.Then enter a name & sender's email that you want to block.Then select Move to the message to Trash.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

I think most of us like to earn some money from internet.So one way is web can create a website and put some ads.When any one click it you will earn some money.To get more clicks you have to publich your website and get more traffic.There somany ways to publish your website.One way is you can submit you web site to seach engines.Some websites do this freely & some get some fee for this.To get your web site no 1 you have submit your web site to search engines such as yahoo,google.You have to submit your site to search engine regulary.These are some free sites that you can submit your website.





Show legal notice in startup window

If lot of users use your computer this will be very useful for you.This is work in windows xp,windows 7 & windows vista.

First got start and click run.In new window type regedit and click ok.Then open the hkey_local_machine and click software. Then going to microsoft------->windows-------->current version-------->policies-------->system

Iin the right side panel find legalnoticecaption.Double click on it.Then type the caption you want.Then double click on the legalnoticetext and write your legal notice that you want to show in the startup menu. 


Change your blog mouse point

It is not difficult to change your blog mouse point.First going to this dashboard------------->design--------------->edit html.Now put a tick for expand widget templates.Now press ctrl + f at ones.Then you will see a search bar.Copy and paste this code to it.</body>Now you can see </body> tag is hilighted in the html box.Copy and paste this code just after the </body> tag.

<style type=text/css">body, a , a:hover { cursor: url (http://bloggertrickandtoolz.googlecode.com/files/www.bloggertricksandtoolz.com-coolcur.cur) , progress; } </sytle>

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Add share buttons,bookmarking gadget.... to custom templates

In blogspot template first you have to click design.Then click edit html and put a tick for expand template widget.After that prees ctrl+f at once.Then search for <data:post.body> this tag.Then this tag will be hilight in template.Then you have to find widget codes and paste it after that code.

If you are using a custom template this will not work.This is the way that you can add widget for custom templates.first find this code and delete it  <b:include data='post' name='shareButtons'/> If you never find it in your template ignore this step.

Find this code and delete it also

(click here to download text document)

Yoc can find the codes by open this txt document

Then add this code before </head> tag>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js">{lang: 'en-US'}</script>

After that prees ctrl+f at once.Then search for <div class='post-header-line-1'/>   tag.Then this tag will be hilight in template.Then you have to find widget codes and paste it after that code.

some codes

<div style = "float:right;padding:4px;">
<a expr:href ='&quot;http://www.google.com/reader/link?url = &quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;&amp;srcTitle=&quot; + data:blog.title+ &quot;&amp;srcURL = &quot; + data:blog.homepageUrl ' rel='nofolloW' style = 'text-decoration:none;' target ='_blank'>
<img alt='Buzz It' src='http://i48.tinypic.com/idyc04.png' style='border:0px;'/></a>

Make a forum for a blog

This is not difficult.To make a forum 1st go to this link http://tal.kiThen click get your embeddable forum.There are tree options.They are free,pro and platinum.Select free.Then you have sign in.You can sign in to this by using your facebook,twitter,google,yahoo accounts.After sign in you can see a embed code.Keep this tab and open a new tab.In new tab going to your blogger dash board and select posting.Then click edit page.now click create a new page.Name new page as forum.Then select edit html and paste that embed code to it.After that publish your page.Now it is finish.

Get a .tk domain freely

I think this will be very important for you.If you are a blog owner your blog's address end with blogspot.com.I think it's not nice and ver long.So you can short it easyly with tk domain.Let's see how to do it.
First go to this link -  www.dot.tk.Then enter your curent web address to the first box and click go.Enter the address with tk domain that you want use to first text box.Then select a registratin length and type the characters you see in the picture.Then click sign up.You can sighn up by using your google,yahoo,facebook........ account.If you done this correctly you will see this message."Thank you for registering your domain name".The log in to your account in www.dot.tk.Then select modify domain option under my domains.After that click modify.Then select use dot tk free dns service in first box and click configure.Now add 5 hostname fields by clicking add another hostname.Fill it like this.

Then click next.

Now  log in to you booger account.Then going to publishing under settings and click custom domain.After that click switch to advanced settings.Then add your address that you make to the add your domain field.Then type the characters and click save settings.Now put a tick for a redirect...............
After 5-6 hours it will be activate.

Make rescue disk to protect your computer from spyware

All computer users have to protect their computers against viruses.If never use a perfect virus guard,If your virus guard is not update viruses will enter to your computer by internet and athoer removable data travellers.In lot of time you have to format your computer to remove those viruses.You have to spend lot of time for formatting.If you make a rescue disk you can remove those viruses easyly.

To make a kaspersky rescue cd 1st go to this link and download it - http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/rescuedisk (208mb)

Then you have to create a bootable cd or usb.If you want to create a bootble cd burn the iso file by using cd burning software like nero.If you want crete a bootable usb use  "UNetbootin".

If you never know to do this read this post - http://www.computertricks77.tk/search?q=bootable&x=0&y=0

After that you have to boot your computer with rescue disk/usb.After booting select kaspersky grafic mode in new screen.Then accept kaspersky rescue agreement.Now you can start it.If you can update the programme before using.

How to remove autorun.inf virus

You can't remove autorun.inf virus by any virus guard.If remove it will rebuild when you restart your machine.Don't worry we can remove it by this way.

First start command promt (start----------->run-------------->cmd).
Then type cd\

del autorun.inf
After that type attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf
Then type del autorun.inf and press enter

After that restart your computer.

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